Custom JS script on your page and tricks with customization

Последнее изменение:

Available in service plans: Advanced, Universal

If you would like to run some JS script on your page you can add it in your Project settings -> Custom CSS/JS -> External or Embedded (JS/CSS). Example:


Sometimes you need to run the script when page is ready. We have a special array of methods (initqueue) which we run when page is ready. Just add your method to this array.

    // your code is here

You are able to use JQuery library when page is ready!

Also UserEcho has some special events that may be helpful to trigger your script:

uetopicpopuploaded - Topic popup is loaded

uesearchresultspanelloaded - Search results panel is loaded

uetopiclistloaded - Topic's list is loaded (page changed, filter changed, etc)

uesigninpopuploaded - Sign-in popup is loaded

Here is an example how to add some text to the topic popup when it's loaded.

<script language="javascript">
    $(window).on('uetopicpopuploaded', function () {
        $('#module_add_topic .modal-body').prepend('<div style="background-color: #ffdd99;padding:10px;margin-bottom:10px">Test message in the topic popup</div>');

One more example: pre-defined text in the description field if field is empty.

<script language="javascript">
    $(window).on('uetopicpopuploaded', function () {
        var description_field = $('#module_add_topic .redactor-editor:first');
        if ( description_field.length > 0 &&  description_field.html()=='<p></p>'){
              var text = "<p>;text line 1
text line 2</p>";

Show/Hide specific custom fields by selected category in the Topic form

<script language="javascript">
// show/hide fields by selected category
function onCategorySelected(){
  var selected_category = this.value;
  // custom field ids to show/hide by category id
  var cf_by_cat_settings = {'64':[13,17],'81':[10,11,12,13]};
  for (var key in cf_by_cat_settings) {
    for (i = 0; i < cf_by_cat_settings[key].length; i++) { 
      // check if show or hide
      var show = (key == selected_category) || (selected_category in cf_by_cat_settings && cf_by_cat_settings[selected_category].indexOf(cf_by_cat_settings[key][i]) != -1);
      // show or hide
      $('form#id_topic_form #id_cf_'+cf_by_cat_settings[key][i]).closest('.form-group').toggle(show);
// add script to queue
  // execute script on topic form loaded 
  $(window).on('uetopicpopuploaded', function () {
    var category_selector = $('form#id_topic_form select#id_category');
    // call method by 'change' event
    category_selector.on('change', onCategorySelected);
   // call default selected 

Change "URL Custom Field" view from Header and URL to clickable Header

<script language='javascript'>
function convertUrlCustomField(el){
      // replace text in the link with a custom field name
      $(el).find('.custom-field-value a').text($(el).find('.custom-field-name').text().slice(0,-1));
    // convert already loaded custom fields on the page
    $('.custom-field-url').each(function(){ convertUrlCustomField(this);})
    // convert custom fields loadd in the user mini profile
    $('.ajax-popover').on('uepopoverloaded', function() {
        if ($(this).attr('data-popover-class') == 'mini-profile'){
            var popover = $(this).next();
            // double check if correct element      
            if (popover.hasClass('popover')){
                popover.find('.custom-field-url').each(function(){ convertUrlCustomField(this);})

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