How to open a Forum and a Knowledgebase widget

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I have a page in an Angular2 app that I need to launch a widget to the FAQ KB and a widget to the Forum. The code in my index page specifies that the widget should open 1,2 or 3. I need to be able to specify which widget to open in the UE.Popin.preload() code. How can I do this?

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Satisfaction mark by Rodney 8 years ago

Thanks for the quick response. Do I also need to put the ID in the preload method?onmouseover="UE.Popin.preload(3);" href="#" onclick="

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Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
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Hello, you can use following javascript call to open specified Forum/KB/Helpdesk

Find out more details in documentation

Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
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Hello, you can use following javascript call to open specified Forum/KB/Helpdesk

Find out more details in documentation

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder

Unfortunately, "preload" doesn't work with this method. If you post some specific ID in the "show" method it will reload window anyway. So, just ignore this parameter.