Slack integration is way too noisy

  • updated
  • Fixed

Its great to see Slack integration in UserEcho - We think it could be great integration tool for us. However. As it stands currently, it is compeltely useless. :(

Currently the integration notifies on every single event - Even when administrators change user access rights! It very quickly becomes complete white noise spam.

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Satisfaction mark by Scott Richmond 9 years ago

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Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
  • Planned

We going to improve Slack integration on our side. We plan to add event filters so you will able to choose on which events UE will send notifications to the Slack.

Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Not a bug

You can try our integration with Slack via Zapier

UserEcho to Slack integration via

Step by Step guide.

Scott Richmond

Sergey - Thanks for responding. However its not really a solution as it costs money in any kind of serious volume. Is this integration on your roadmap to do properly?

Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
  • Planned

We going to improve Slack integration on our side. We plan to add event filters so you will able to choose on which events UE will send notifications to the Slack.

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Fixed

Hello Scott,

Now you are able to select which events would you like to see in you Slack.

Scott Richmond

I just tried it out - I see you have now added per-forum Slack integration, which is great. However the event selection is still restricted to "All". Is that intended?

Sergey Stukov co-founder
Quote from Scott Richmond

I just tried it out - I see you have now added per-forum Slack integration, which is great. However the event selection is still restricted to "All". Is that intended?

Just, uncheck "All", and you will able to select between available events.