chat widget not showing in page only feedback widget shows. Need to show chat aswell please help

  • updated
  • Answered
I have added the code provided but chat widget does not show.  

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Satisfaction mark by Javier Alvarez 10 years ago

Thanks for the quick response

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Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Answer
  • Answered
Chat widget will shown when you have at least 1 operator online. Open chat in your operator interface.
If you would like to show chat widget always, add param to the widget chat_tab_show:true
it has 3 values: true, false and 'auto'
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Answer
  • Answered
Chat widget will shown when you have at least 1 operator online. Open chat in your operator interface.
If you would like to show chat widget always, add param to the widget chat_tab_show:true
it has 3 values: true, false and 'auto'