Help UserEcho to choose correct word for voter block

Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • updated
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At this moment UserEcho use "scores" word to describe difference between positive and negative votes for feedback.

Please help us to find most suitable word
Luke Catlin
How about calling positive votes "Yeas" and negative votes "Nays" just like when a vote is taken at a physical meeting. All in favor say Yea" .. all opposed say "Nay".
Votes? P.S. There's a typo in the title, it's word, not world ;)
Sergey Stukov co-founder
Quote from Konstantin
Votes? P.S. There's a typo in the title, it's word, not world ;)
typo fixed
now it's scores because it means difference between positive and negative votes
Quote from Sergey Stukov
typo fixed
now it's scores because it means difference between positive and negative votes
You have a point there. Though one negative vote consumes one positive, right? So they're still votes.. Imho, dunno, I'd call them votes so that people wouldn't have to think about what a "score" a "yay" and a "nay" is, which makes things more complicated. One very popular project called too has "votes up" and "votes down", but the total is still votes :) Don't mind me, I'm just thinking out loud ;)
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
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