Voting is disabled for completed topics?

  • updated
  • Answered
It seems like voting is now disabled for completed topics.

This might be a good idea in general, but what about "Praise" feedback like here:

I'd prefer it if users could still say "thank your for the app" by voting. Maybe I'm missing something?
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Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Answer
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Quote from Alexander Blach

It looks like this change was undone. People cannot vote for the topic anymore:

Hello Alexandr,

We've added an option to allow voting even if topic is closed.

To set up this option go to your Project settings -> Forum -> Topic Type, then edit specified topic type.

Quote from Vladimir Mullagaliyev

Hi Ryann,

Now this option is up to you. You are able to allow vote for closed topics or disallow. So, now each project's admin decides to enable/disable this feature.

Yes, that was clear:

that's why I suggested that you, as admin of UserEcho (main support site), could allow this voting for closed topics on your own site ;-)

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from Ryann


Using to option to let the vote possibility open for UserEcho topics (main support site) could then be interesting:

sometimes topics as closed as "Answered" (therefore closing the votes) but maybe future community users would vote for this suggestion and make it popular, in spite of the first answer?

Hi Ryann,

Now this option is up to you. You are able to allow vote for closed topics or disallow. So, now each project's admin decides to enable/disable this feature.



Using to option to let the vote possibility open for UserEcho topics (main support site) could then be interesting:

sometimes topics as closed as "Answered" (therefore closing the votes) but maybe future community users would vote for this suggestion and make it popular, in spite of the first answer?

Alexander Blach
Quote from Vladimir Mullagaliyev

Hello Alexandr,

We've added an option to allow voting even if topic is closed.

To set up this option go to your Project settings -> Forum -> Topic Type, then edit specified topic type.

Thanks, that's great!

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Answer
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Quote from Alexander Blach

It looks like this change was undone. People cannot vote for the topic anymore:

Hello Alexandr,

We've added an option to allow voting even if topic is closed.

To set up this option go to your Project settings -> Forum -> Topic Type, then edit specified topic type.

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Searching answer
Quote from Alexander Blach

It looks like this change was undone. People cannot vote for the topic anymore:

Hello Alexander,

Yes, seems like it's gone with one of last updates because now we do not know what type of topic is "Praise". All types are custom.

We consider to add an option to topic's type to allow/disallow voting if topic is closed.

Alexander Blach
Quote from Alexander Blach
Thank you!

It looks like this change was undone. People cannot vote for the topic anymore:

Alexander Blach
Quote from Vladimir Mullagaliyev
Thank you for feedback.
We have enabled voting for closed Praise.
Thank you!
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Answered
Thank you for feedback.
We have enabled voting for closed Praise.