How to link to a post

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Hi, I am an active user on a UserEcho forum at I also admin a wiki on the same topic. I frequently wish to link to posts to increase communication between wiki users and forum users. In long threads, it is important to have the exact post ID to do this. 

When I have email about another user's post, it gives me the post ID. This is very handy. However, I can't figure out any way to get ID's on my own posts. Any ideas?

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Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
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Hello, Michelle to get ID of any topic just open it in browser and you will able to see it in URL, see attached screenshot for example, we have pointed ID.

Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
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Hello, Michelle to get ID of any topic just open it in browser and you will able to see it in URL, see attached screenshot for example, we have pointed ID.

Thanks, but I'm talking about comments under a topic. We frequently get topics (like when they post a Team Challenge) with 20, 30 comments under them. I know that's not a ton, but try getting everyone to scroll through all of those looking for the one I'm talking about!
Sergey Stukov co-founder
Quote from Michelle Gordon-Krohling
Thanks, but I'm talking about comments under a topic. We frequently get topics (like when they post a Team Challenge) with 20, 30 comments under them. I know that's not a ton, but try getting everyone to scroll through all of those looking for the one I'm talking about!
If you need direct link to the comment, just open topic and move mouse over comment's date then right click on it and copy link it will contain direct link to the comment.

for example this comment has direct link that we posted below.
Thank you!