We try to find all topics with this "OR" words, then order them by weight. Different parts of topic has different weight. Most important part is header, then desctiption, answer, etc.
Usually if you have a topic with both words we show this topic on top of results. Then other topics.
I get your point. If the main funcionality of this search field is finding similar topics, then yes - it should work exactly in the way you described. However earlier proposed enhancement is still expected by our users, and us. It would introduce additional tab next to "similar topics found. Vote for it." to cover AND cases (it would be named for example: "exact topics found. Vote for it."). It shouldn't be much complex to implement. Please advise on this feature request. Thanks.
This is not good. From our point of view there is no need to keep such complex logic behind it. Simply, when looking for 2 keywords you expect listed items to contain both.
Sorry, but it will not work for your users. We cannot find duplicates for a topic by exact search. EXAMPLE: 1. You have a topic "How to remind password?". 2. Some user doesn't know how to reset password and start to create new request "How to reset my password?".
Now we will show him your existing topic "How to remind password?" and user will not create a new one. If we will show exact result only he will not find the answer to his question. New topic will be created. You will have a lot of duplicates and waste time to answer on it.
This is not good. From our point of view there is no need to keep such complex logic behind it. Simply, when looking for 2 keywords you expect listed items to contain both.
We try to find all topics with this "OR" words, then order them by weight. Different parts of topic has different weight. Most important part is header, then desctiption, answer, etc.
Usually if you have a topic with both words we show this topic on top of results. Then other topics.
We try to find all topics with this "OR" words, then order them by weight. Different parts of topic has different weight. Most important part is header, then desctiption, answer, etc.
Usually if you have a topic with both words we show this topic on top of results. Then other topics.