Error in sample for single sign-on in PHP
Here's what I could download in my account as an example of single sign-on for PHP:
1. Line 20: "$message = array{ ... }" should be "$message = array( ... )"
2. Missed semicolons at the end of line with "$key_hash ="
<?php function get_sso_token() { $api_key = ""; // Your project personal api key $project_key = ""; // Your project alias $message = array{ "guid" => "12345", // User ID in your system - using for identify user in next time (first time auto-registion) "expires_date" => gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()+(86400)), // sso_token expiration date in format "Y-m-d H:i:s". Recommend set date now() + 1 day "display_name" => "My Name Example", // User display name in your system "email" => "", // User email - using for notification about changes on feedback "locale" => "en", // Default user language "avatar_url" => "" // NOT USED NOW. user avatar URL } // random bytes value, length = 16 // Recommend use random to genetare $iv $iv = 'testTEST1234QWER'; // key hash, length = 16 $key_hash = substr( hash('sha1', $api_key.$project_key, true), 0, 16) // if you use mb_string functions, try it //$key_hash = mb_substr( hash('sha1', $api_key.$project_key, true), 0, 16, 'Windows-1251') $message_json = json_encode($message); // double XOR first block message_json for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i++) $message_json[$i] = $message_json[$i] ^ $iv[$i]; // fill tail of message_json by bytes equaled count empty bytes (to 16) $pad = 16 - (strlen($message_json) % 16); $message_json = $message_json . str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad); // encode json $cipher = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128,'','cbc',''); mcrypt_generic_init($cipher, $key_hash, $iv); $encrypted_bytes = mcrypt_generic($cipher,$message_json); mcrypt_generic_deinit($cipher); // encode bytes to url safe string return urlencode(base64_encode($encrypted_bytes)); } ?>This code have several fatal errors, which don't event let it run:
1. Line 20: "$message = array{ ... }" should be "$message = array( ... )"
2. Missed semicolons at the end of line with "$key_hash ="