How can I show the satisfaction questions in the email?
How can I show the satisfaction questions in the email, as the one that is used in your response?
there is { ue_satisfaction %} in the (New comment/status) email template, but not the preview nor the email has the two buttons as in the emails I receive from your feedback, or any other form of questions.
Can you please help me/ I read the article in KB, but it does not help.
Thank you
How would you rate the customer service you received?
Satisfaction mark by Ali Sa'ad Eddeen 9 years ago
Add a comment about quality of support you received (optional):
You are right. This is { ue_satisfaction %}.
Note, this tag add the satisfaction block to the topic owner only and when status is closed only!
So, if you would like to test it in the agent interface, create a topic (yourself), then somebody of your agent could close this topic (change status). You will receive email notification with this block.
Then, to see it in the email templates, click "change preview data" and enter the comment ID (the comment with action "change status to closed").