Don't want Jira comments to appear in UserEcho post

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When I use the Jira integration with the webhooks I only want the status of the Jira to be updated back to UserEcho. I don't want all our developers comments to appear in UserEcho. Can/how can this be done?

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Satisfaction mark by vegar 9 years ago

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Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Answer
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Hello Vegar,

Unfortunately we do not have such settings in Jira to UE import.

But we have one another project who asked for it and we've added some patch for them. So, we've applied the same patch to your project.

Now your JIRA comments could be skipped.

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Answer
  • Answered

Hello Vegar,

Unfortunately we do not have such settings in Jira to UE import.

But we have one another project who asked for it and we've added some patch for them. So, we've applied the same patch to your project.

Now your JIRA comments could be skipped.


Thanks for the quick solutions to my problems!