Question about searching statistics

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Hi, I have a question. I have a searching box on my company's Userecho website.

Image 8851

It works really great, but I'm curious if I find any statistics what people are searching for on this website? Can I find out how many searched articles in my knowledge base have been visited by visitors and how many times? Is there any option to see these stats in agent interface?

Thanks in advance, Katarzyna.

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Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
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Hello Katarzyna,

Now you can see the search statistics in your Google Analytics account. Please find out more information here

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Under review


We do not have a search statistics yet, but we have the same requests from another users.

For now you can check the "Views" parameter in the each Article if it will help you.

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
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Hello Katarzyna,

Now you can see the search statistics in your Google Analytics account. Please find out more information here