Do you support custom KBs (logos, content) for multiple tenants?
Our multi-tenant web app is used by multiple organizations (e.g., Acme, Coyote, Anvil).
Curious if there is a way to have a unique look & content for each org (logo, etc.)?
And if there is a way to share "core" KB topics (for 90% of the web app portions that are the same), and add special org-specific topics (for the 5% that might be unique to each org).
1) You can have one core KB
2) Then, it's possible to create dedicated forum for each organization.
2.1) This forum can be mapped on custom subdomain
2.2) You can customize branding for it via Custom CSS/JS/HTML blocks.
2.3) Forum can have KB presenter that points to the core KB
2.4) Forum can have second KB presenter that point to forum topics. So they can be org-specific.
To check how it works. Just create additional forum. At then open private ticket via
We can help with configuration.
Note that all setup possible via UE settings interface, no action from our internal team required.