Details about "Delete account"

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As admin of a project, if you click on the "User profile" of one people from your community, you discover two links: "Block user" and "Delete account".

I did not dare to test it to see the result ;-) (maybe a bubble as tooltip would be helpful) but I'd like some precisions about what does "Delete account".
1- I guess it simply removes the user from our community (and does not delete his UserEcho account?). Is it so?
2- Does it delete all his feedback too?

3- I guess he can come again with the same still existing UserEcho account?


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Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
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At this moment deletion works as following.

1) User - UserName replaced with Anonymous

2) User - Email replaced with blank value.

3) All user content is exists but linked with Anonymous user.

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from Ryann
Any further information to understand the difference between "Delete" and "Block" use, that both look like ban the user?
Block - ban user. You are able to unblock him later.

Delete - remove information about user account. User name will be replaced to "Anonymous", email will be deleted. User will not receive any notifications.
Quote from Ryann
Ohhh, that's more severe than I imagined.
Then I am quite puzzled.
I imagined that the "UserEcho" account was unique (one sign-up), but could sign-in in several communities.
Then, concerning one community, if the "deleted user" can not come back to this community again, it's not only a "deletion" (or renaming as anonymous) of its past actions... It's a sort of ban?

Then what is the difference with "Block user" that has a meaning of ban for me?

Any further information to understand the difference between "Delete" and "Block" use, that both look like ban the user?
Quote from Sergey Stukov

User will able to create a new account. But it can't access previous account with it's content.

Ohhh, that's more severe than I imagined.
Then I am quite puzzled.
I imagined that the "UserEcho" account was unique (one sign-up), but could sign-in in several communities.
Then, concerning one community, if the "deleted user" can not come back to this community again, it's not only a "deletion" (or renaming as anonymous) of its past actions... It's a sort of ban?

Then what is the difference with "Block user" that has a meaning of ban for me?

Sergey Stukov co-founder
Quote from Ryann

Clear, thank you.

What about my point #3:

this (deleted) user can come back and post new feedback without changing his account, right?

User will able to create a new account. But it can't access previous account with it's content.


Clear, thank you.

What about my point #3:

this (deleted) user can come back and post new feedback without changing his account, right?

Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
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At this moment deletion works as following.

1) User - UserName replaced with Anonymous

2) User - Email replaced with blank value.

3) All user content is exists but linked with Anonymous user.