I just merged several comments by different users with different Replies by our feedback team, and now I can only see one of them. If this is how it works, I don't want to merge them. I agree that you should see them all under the one. I will need to unmerge if this is the case. Thank you,
What you describe is "grouping", "merge" means they are duplicated and should only exist 1 for the sake of organization and cleansing.
Not sure if the site supports grouping, but actually a forum "groups" things together.
I just merged several comments by different users with different Replies by our feedback team, and now I can only see one of them. If this is how it works, I don't want to merge them. I agree that you should see them all under the one. I will need to unmerge if this is the case. Thank you,
I just merged topic B to topic A.
Topic A had 0 replies.
Topic B had 1 comment.
Survival topic was A, with the comment from B, but NOT the initial body of B.
So it is inconsistent, because B-comment is in a different context. Merging should result as:
A (as main body)
--- B body as a comment
--- B-comment as a comment