Message - Deleting Feedback Type
1) Warning-Bar: "Selected feedback type used by some...: Change it in: "Der selektierte Beitragstyp kann nicht gelöscht werden. Es existieren noch Beiträge in dieser Rubrik."
Down in the pic, "Feedback-Tab":
2) It's not really a feedback tab. I think it is much more a Forum-Tab, isn't it?
3) So translate in the Breadcrumb-navigator "Feedback-Tab" into "Forumstabulator" (green area).
4) Do the same in the white tab-area.
5) Do the same in the Headline "Feedback-Tab".
6) Right side of the Headline is the Button "Feedback ninzufügen". Write "Tabulator hinzufügen".
7) Below "Feedback-Tab", the header in the grey area: "Current feedback types for this forum...." Write: " Bestehende Beitragstypen im Forum. Sie werden als Tabulatoren angezeigt."
Down in the pic, "Feedback-Tab":
2) It's not really a feedback tab. I think it is much more a Forum-Tab, isn't it?
3) So translate in the Breadcrumb-navigator "Feedback-Tab" into "Forumstabulator" (green area).
4) Do the same in the white tab-area.
5) Do the same in the Headline "Feedback-Tab".
6) Right side of the Headline is the Button "Feedback ninzufügen". Write "Tabulator hinzufügen".
7) Below "Feedback-Tab", the header in the grey area: "Current feedback types for this forum...." Write: " Bestehende Beitragstypen im Forum. Sie werden als Tabulatoren angezeigt."