Sort comments by ranking

  • updated
  • Under review
Currently comments are sorted by time. It'd be nice if it was possible to sort them by rankings. And while at it, there should be an option to customize the default sorting of comments.
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Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
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UserEcho comments has threaded structure.
How sort it in this case. Sort only on first level?

Look at screenshot
Omer Raviv
Quote from Sergey Stukov
UserEcho has feature to stick comments to the top of the feedback. You can use it to prioritize most important comments as admin.
That could be useful. How do I use it? I only see "Reply", "Delete" and "Edit" when I hover over a comment.
Sergey Stukov co-founder
UserEcho has feature to stick comments to the top of the feedback. You can use it to prioritize most important comments as admin.
Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
  • Under review
UserEcho comments has threaded structure.
How sort it in this case. Sort only on first level?

Look at screenshot