Can Users add a post to a knowledge base?

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I have set up one forum and two knowledge bases. Can Users post new entries into one of the two knowledge bases?

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Satisfaction mark by Mike Vazzana 10 years ago

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Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Answer
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No, users cannot do it because the Knowledge base is fully moderated by support agents only to keep it in actual state.
But you can move any user's topics from your community forum to your knowledge base if you decide to use it as Knowledge Base article.
Mike Vazzana
Thanks, works great, except the hyperlink is black.

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from Mike Vazzana
I added the following HTML: onclick="javascript:showLeaveFeedbackPopup('your main forum id');return false;"
It did not work. I don't know how to write HTML. Can you provide the exact HTML that I need to paste.

Unrelated to this question, the spelling of "Layout Customization" has a 'z' instead of a 's'
We did some configuration. Check your Knowledge Base page.
Mike Vazzana
I added the following HTML: onclick="javascript:showLeaveFeedbackPopup('your main forum id');return false;"
It did not work. I don't know how to write HTML. Can you provide the exact HTML that I need to paste.

Unrelated to this question, the spelling of "Layout Customization" has a 'z' instead of a 's'
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from Mike Vazzana
The search box on the knowledge base page does not have a way for the user to post a question or topic. Is there a setting that I need to change?
Actually you do not need it because usually users start to add some topic from the forum section and see KB articles too in the same search result. But if you still want to have some special text and link for users to leave feedback from KB you can do it.
Go to your project settings->Knowledge Base->Select needed KB->Layout customization.
Add Html text module and add some text and link in it. Then link should has onclick="javascript:showLeaveFeedbackPopup('your main forum id');returm false;"
Try something like this. If you will have any questions feel free to ask us.
Mike Vazzana
The search box on the knowledge base page does not have a way for the user to post a question or topic. Is there a setting that I need to change?
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Answer
  • Answered
No, users cannot do it because the Knowledge base is fully moderated by support agents only to keep it in actual state.
But you can move any user's topics from your community forum to your knowledge base if you decide to use it as Knowledge Base article.