Support in Germany

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Dear all, is there anyone in Germany who can support us to setup / to implement User Echo?
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Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
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We have located in the United States but we ready to answer to all your questions feel free to ask it via our helpdesk, we see that you already created community and setup logo and facebook module for it.

How we can help?
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from Heino Deubner
Hello User Echo, I created a private forum only for internal topics "Printer Care Intern". It is sure that search enginges cannot read the conversiations?
Be sure that all private forums are not accessible for search engines.
Heino Deubner
Hello User Echo, I created a private forum only for internal topics "Printer Care Intern". It is sure that search enginges cannot read the conversiations?
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from Heino Deubner
Dear all, where can I config this window?

Unfortunately, you cannot configure this window. What do you want to change here?
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from Heino Deubner
Where can I translate the welcome email?

All interface phrases and email notofiations are available to translate here
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from Heino Deubner
Is it possible to config the menu? I would like to move the "Helpdesk Forum" to a own menu topic, so that I get three menu points. 1) Feedback Forum 2) Helpdesk 3) Wissensdatenbank  

I think it would be better for the user...
It is possible throught ustom Script. But it not so easy.
Also you have a feedback forum menu already if you have more than 1 forum.
Heino Deubner
Dear all, where can I config this window?

Sergey Stukov co-founder
Quote from Heino Deubner
Hi Vladimir, who can see the helpdesk dashboard? And for what is the chat history, who can see that?
Only community owner, or user (with rights to see it) nobody except community owner, can't see it contents until you grant right for example for 2nd community representative.
Sergey Stukov co-founder
Quote from Heino Deubner
Dear all, is it possible to send emails to all members? For example to inform about new features in the forum?
We have following abilities.

1) As community owner you have access to all users emails via API and able to send email to each using your own tools.

2) You can create topic "New features" and all users who was subscribed on it will receive notifications by email, regarding topic updates.

For example check our change-log it use method no. 2
Heino Deubner
Quote from Vladimir Mullagaliyev
We recommend to use both of them.
Public is good for publi questions, because other users an get answers too.
But you need a Helpdesk also, because some questions cannot be published for public (emails, passwords, etc)
Hi Vladimir, who can see the helpdesk dashboard? And for what is the chat history, who can see that?
Heino Deubner
Dear all, is it possible to send emails to all members? For example to inform about new features in the forum?