Add user to private forum allowed list

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Is there a way through the API for us to add a user to the "allowed user" list for a private forum? We want to automatically allow new beta users to get forum access.
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Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
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It's possible using Single Sign On function 

Just pass additional parameter allowed_private_forums: [forum_id],
inside SSO token.
Richard Sloggett (Support)
Quote from Sergey Stukov
Try to put forum_id in square brackets


Many thanks for your help with this - up and running now. Your support is excellent. Feel free to use the VB.NET SSO_TOKEN generation code I sent - might help someone else get up and running with a VB.NET site.
Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Answer
  • Answered
It's possible using Single Sign On function 

Just pass additional parameter allowed_private_forums: [forum_id],
inside SSO token.
Ashley Lewis

What is [forum_id]? I my userecho server is returning:{ "status": "error", "message": "Forum doesn't exist" }

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from Ashley Lewis

What is [forum_id]? I my userecho server is returning:{ "status": "error", "message": "Forum doesn't exist" }

Replace the [forum_id] with ID of your forum. Go to your Project Settings -> Community forums and check ID for selected forum.