Custom fields in API

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We have added a custom field for topics. We would like to be able to see the value of the custom field in the API. For example, I would expect this URL to return the topic, including all custom fields and their values:

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Satisfaction mark by Mathew Weaver 11 years ago

I am quite pleased with your quick response and that you have added this functionality as requested.

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Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Answer
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Hi Mathew,
We will check custom fields in API and add if it doesn't exists.
Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
Quote from Mathew Weaver
This appears to have stopped working. Our code makes the HTTP PUT request to set a custom field. The response is success, but the custom field value never shows up in the topic. Here is an example:

Here is the API URL that is being used:"

Here is the data being PUT:


This was working fine previously, but it does not seem to be working today.
Hello Mathew,
We've found the problem.
It looks like you have merged two your accounts and your access token was generated from the old one.
Now it account has no rights to update. That's why it was not updated.

We've updated your access token, now it linked with your current account and works fine!