Option to duplicate settings from an existing forum when creating a new forum

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I have a forum I've made with a lot of customization to the layout modules and a lot of the settings. I'd like to create a new forum with the same settings. I find myself going through and adding/removing the same modules, status types, and so on.

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Satisfaction mark by Christopher Obermiller 9 years ago

Hi Sergey,I ran the API Post request you suggested, but it only copied some of the settings. For example, statuses weren't copied over and I actually lost the ability to post a new topic at all in the forum that was created. It's possible I'm just misunderstanding how to properly run the API, this is the first time I've really worked with API's directly. Is there something I'm missing?

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Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
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Hello Christopher,

We've added this feature in the administrative settings and fixed the problem with topic types.

Please try again from your administrative settings.

More information in our changelog http://feedback.userecho.com/topics/6870-userecho-changelog/#comment-22160

Quote from Vladimir Mullagaliyev

Hello Christopher,

We've added this feature in the administrative settings and fixed the problem with topic types.

Please try again from your administrative settings.

More information in our changelog http://feedback.userecho.com/topics/6870-userecho-changelog/#comment-22160

Thanks a lot, just what I was hoping for!

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Answer
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Hello Christopher,

We've added this feature in the administrative settings and fixed the problem with topic types.

Please try again from your administrative settings.

More information in our changelog http://feedback.userecho.com/topics/6870-userecho-changelog/#comment-22160

Quote from Vladimir Mullagaliyev

Hello Christopher,

We are fixing this issue. Will let you know about progress in this topic.


Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder
  • Started

Hello Christopher,

We are fixing this issue. Will let you know about progress in this topic.

Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • Completed


You can use our API create forum call and provide template_forum_id to it, so new forum will inherit all template forum settings


You can call it via our API browser
