Hello Terry,
That doesn't work for you because your default forum is private. We do not show private forums in RSS because we cannot authenticate user and access.
Here is an exaple to your open Knowledge Base https://smarttiles.userecho.com/feeds/5/topics/
Thank-you! Yes... I came to that conclusion when realizing the the "Show RSS Feed" option in the sidebar links widget wasn't working too.
Hello Terry,
That doesn't work for you because your default forum is private. We do not show private forums in RSS because we cannot authenticate user and access.
Here is an exaple to your open Knowledge Base https://smarttiles.userecho.com/feeds/5/topics/
Format: [your_project_url]/feeds/[forum_id]/topics/
Forum: http://gymforgeeks.userecho.com/forum/24982-educat...
RSS: http://gymforgeeks.userecho.com/feeds/24982/topics...