How to show "updates" count to users on my site (with link to UserEcho)

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Each user is able to see updates for topics and tickets he/she subscribe to in his profile by link https://[your_portal_url]/user/updates

If you already use our SSO you probably would like to show count of updates to users on your site. You can do it via an API call.

Here is common information about our API

Now, when you know how to make an API call, here is all available methods If you already have SSO integration we would recommend you use method "GET users/sso/[sso_guid]" and provide user's SSO GUID in the request.

In the response you will have user's "counts". The "updates" count also will be available. Just check if it more than zero and show count to the user. Also you can add a link to his profile like https://[your_portal_url]/user/updates?sso_token=[user_sso_token]

Fill free to test your API requests in our API Explorer here

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